
It is a matter of pride and privilege for us that among the first few copies of PostMaster that were sold, way back in 1998, almost half were handled by our partners. And we’re still doing business with many of you from that time. And this forms the foundation of our program.

Our partner program has evolved over the years, and uses the following guiding principles:

  • Maintain a rapid pace of development, to offer products and services that provide compelling value to the end customer.
  • Have a continuous dialogue with our partners, to get field inputs when designing our products and services.
  • Offer a suite of Internet communications products and services, which allow our partners to provide a ‘Complete Solution’ to customers.
  • Enable our partners to become Internet Communications specialists.
  • Our partners form our first line of support for our customers; therefore, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our partners have the most up-to-date information on our products and services, implementation documents and very responsive technical support.
  • Deliver sound ROI to our partners, while providing unquestionable value-for-money to our customers.

If these guidelines sound too grand to you, we’d be more than happy to put you in touch with our existing partners for you to independently check out what we’ve said. Please drop a line to our nearest office location from the contact details below, and you should receive a reference group shortly.

Please feel free to get in touch with us for more details.

We look forward to having you on board and working together to becoming recognized messaging solutions providers.